At-tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal <p>At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal (ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2963-8887</a>) is a journal published by Perkumpulan Dosen Tarbiyah Islam Indonesia (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PDTII</a>). At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal is published twice times a year (March and September) as a media for scientific communication of academicians in the study of Islamic Education in Indonesia based on Interdisciplinary Research. Editors invite academicians to contribute their thoughts either in the form of research results, in-depth studies, or book reviews under the discipline. The script is original and has not been published in other media. The manuscripts are preferably from research results and written in either English or Arabic.</p> <p> </p> en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br />At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal by <a href="" rel="cc:attributionURL">Perkumpulan Dosen Tarbiyah Islam Indonesia</a> is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.<br />Based on a work at <a href="" rel="dct:source"></a>.</p> (Muhammad Anas Ma`arif) (Hanif Mahfudzi) Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Education Reform in Post-War Japan: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Policies, Impact, and Historical Context (1945–1952) <p>This academic study examines the profound educational reforms that took place in post-war Japan from 1945 to 1952. The paper focuses on the transformative impact of the United States Education Mission on the Japanese education system during the Allied Occupation. The overarching objective of these reforms was to establish a democratic educational framework encompassing changes in administration, curriculum, textbooks, and teacher performance. This study sheds light on the historical context, policy implementation, and societal responses to these reforms. Additionally, it explores issues related to women's higher education during this transformative era, providing a comprehensive analysis of a pivotal chapter in Japan's history.</p> Habib Badawi Copyright (c) 2024 Habib Badawi Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Islamic Religious Education Learning Media in the Technology Era: A Systematic Literature Review <p>Studies on using Islamic religious education instructional media by educators exhibit considerable diversity, with several study findings emerging over the past decade. Notably, incorporating social media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok has been explored to enhance the learning experience. This study aims to achieve two primary goals based on the provided data. There are two main points to consider: firstly, the importance of selecting learning materials for Islamic religious education in the modern age, and secondly, the prevalence of technology-based learning media teachers utilize in Islamic religious education classes. A systematic literature review was employed by searching for results of scientific publications on the global indexation platform (Scopus-Google Scholar) with a period of 2014–2024 by PRISMA analysis. The research results show that the urgency of learning media for Islamic religious education can influence every learning process. Moreover, in the digital era, accessibility and inclusivity are absolute choices that teachers must pay attention to so that every Islamic religious education lesson can run according to the challenges of the times (student needs), be able to increase motivation and influence student learning outcomes. Meanwhile, the distribution of learning media used by Islamic religious education teachers in the technological era is divided into two categories: first, technology-based learning media without an internet network, and second, technology-based learning media with an internet network.</p> Miftachul Huda, Muhamad Arif, Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Anshari Copyright (c) 2024 Miftachul Huda, Muhamad Arif, Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim, Muhammad Anshari Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Holistic Approaches to Bullying Prevention: The Mediating Role of School Well-Being, Self-Management, and Empathy <p>This research aims to examine the influence of self-management and empathy on the tendency of bullying behavior among teenage students through the mediating role of the school well-being variable for students in the three largest Islamic boarding schools in Jember Regency, East Survey Province. This research is a non-experimental quantitative research with a survey design. A total of 160 randomly selected students participated in this survey research. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the WARP PLS 7 application and the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 application. The analysis results using WARP PLS 7. Found values that show that: 1) self-management influences the sixth tendency of bullying through school. Well-Being is 13.5%. This result means that the higher the student’s self-control, demonstrated by the ability to control their emotions when teased by friends, the better the social relations between students, teachers, and school employees, which will impact their behavior in avoiding the use of bad words. Put down friends you do not like. 2) empathy influences the tendency for bullying behavior through School Well Being by 23.8%. This result means that the higher the perspective shown by the attitude of trying to see a problem from another person’s point of view, the better the social relations between students and teachers and school employees so that it has an impact on behavior to avoid using bad words to demean friends who are not liked.</p> Rita Pusvitasari, Ahmad Zarkasyi Copyright (c) 2024 Rita Pusvitasari, Ahmad Zarkasyi Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integrating Religious Moderation into Islamic Religious Education: Strategies and Impacts <p>This study examines the implementation of religious moderation values in Islamic religious education at SMK TI Bali Global Klungkung. Through a qualitative approach, the main finding of this research is the identification of ten religious moderation values being implemented: justice, balance, tolerance, centrism, love for the country, deliberation, improvement, pioneering, non-violence, and cultural friendliness. The implementation is achieved by integrating these values into the curriculum, evaluation techniques, and daily life practices, as well as through habituation and exemplification. The results have positive implications, such as establishing harmonious relationships between Muslim students and the community, increasing student achievement and creativity, and boosting the number of Muslim students in the school. The findings align with the concept of moderation in Islam, behavioristic theory, and expert opinions on religious moderation as a solution to the problem of radicalism. This research contributes to forming students with moderate, tolerant, fair, balanced, and non-violent characters who can adapt to a pluralistic environment following the objectives of Islamic education. The limitation of this study is that its scope is confined to one school.</p> Ratnah, Syed Ahmad Ali Shah, Mumtaz Alam Copyright (c) 2024 Ratnah, Syed Ahmad Ali Shah, Mumtaz Alam Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ibn Khaldun and John Locke’s Thoughts, Reframing Contemporary Education World Order <p>Exploring two international philosophers’ scholarship with lasting effect on education theory through a comparative qualitative study would help to synthesize alternative tools and epistemology to address contemporary education landscape and human-to-human interaction. Ibn Khaldun’s and John Locke’s intellectual legacy brought revolutionary knowledge based on their empirical observation (Assabiyya &amp; Social Contract) which has inspired various social, political as well as modern education concepts. Indeed, though Ibn Khaldun and John Locke belong to dissimilar schools of thought, they share a number of philosophical and educational ideas deemed to offer new remedies to our current education and cross-cultural interactions by transforming the learner at the center of a new learning world order.</p> Mohammed Qasserras Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammed Qasserras Sun, 14 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Degree of Parents' Practice of The Good Role Model Style Included in Islamic Educational Thought from The Point of View of University Students <p>The study aimed to identify the degree of parents' practice of the good role model style included in Islamic educational thought from the point of view of children at the university stage and its relationship to some variables such as gender, academic specialization and academic stage, where the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach by applying the questionnaire consisting of (10) paragraphs, which served as a study tool that was applied to (2500) male and female students from various Jordanian universities in the second semester of the academic year (2023/2024), where the study concluded, after conducting the appropriate statistical treatments, that the level of parents' practice of the good role model style included in Islamic educational thought in general came at a (high) degree on the scale as a whole with an arithmetic mean of (4.42) and a standard deviation of (0.60), and the results also concluded that there were no statistically significant differences attributed to the study variables, which are gender variables (males, Females) and the variable of the type of academic specialization of the student (scientific, humanities) and the variable of the academic stage of the student (intermediate diploma, bachelor's).</p> Mohammad Omar AL-Momani Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Omar AL-Momani Sun, 04 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Measuring Fiqih Learning Achievement of Junior High School Students Reviewed From Spiritual Intelligence <p style="font-weight: 400;">Spiritual intelligence is an essential manifestation in the success of Islamic religious education. Jurisprudence subjects are crucial subjects in Islamic religious education that discuss worship and muamalah material. This study aims to determine the relationship between students' spiritual intelligence and learning outcomes in the field of fiqh. This research is quantitative research with the type of survey research. The population of this research is all students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta, totalling 441 students. Based on the sampling technique using random sampling, a sample of 208 students was obtained from which data could be taken. The data collection technique used a questionnaire/questionnaire and student achievement results. After going through several data processing processes, many data are invalid and invalid, leaving 150 data analyzed. The data analysis technique used simple regression analysis with the help of the SPSS version 21 for the windows program. The results showed that spiritual intelligence had a positive and significant relationship with the fiqh learning achievement of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta students, with a Pearson Correlation of 0.233. The significance value is the same, namely 0.004 &lt;0.05, which means a positive correlation between the two variables. Although there is a positive relationship but based on the results of the decision seen from the guideline for the degree of correlation, 0.233 is in the order of 0.20 to 0.40, which means that there is a moderate correlation between spiritual intelligence and student fiqh learning achievement at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta.</p> Alvina Agustin, Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro Copyright (c) 2024 Alvina Agustin, Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fostering A Moderate Attitude in Sufi-Based Pesantren Culture <p>This research explores the internalization of Sufism values in forming an attitude of religious moderation in the Thoriqoh Syadziliyah Al Masudiyah Jombang congregation amidst increasing radicalism. Using a qualitative case study approach, data was collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies, then analyzed using Miles and Huberman's interactive model. The results show that the internalization of Sufism values such as asceticism, <em>tawakkal</em>, sincerity, patience, gratitude, love, willingness, tolerance, and non-violence is carried out through the recitation of Selapanan Ahad Legi with active learning methods involving the congregation's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. As a result, the congregation developed a moderate attitude toward religion, reflected in a simple lifestyle, optimism, sincere quality of worship, strong fighting power, not being easily provoked, gratitude, love for others, and tolerance of diversity. Further research is recommended to examine the effectiveness of internalizing Sufism values in different age groups or social backgrounds and its impact on community social cohesion.</p> Moch. Sya'roni Hasan, Mujahidin, Mar’atul Azizah, Solechan Copyright (c) 2024 Moch. Sya'roni Hasan, Mujahidin, Mar’atul Azizah, Solechan Thu, 26 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000